Dreaming of sunny beaches...

Author: Jax Cassidy // Category: , ,
I am taking a break from writing...my butt is asleep and my hands are tired. My mind has shut down momentarily and my eyes don't want to cooperate. I long to drift off to sleep...I've been having weird psychedelic dreams. Of course I'm too tired to remember them. I should keep writing but I think I'll pause for a bit and pick up where I left off in a few short hours. Yawn...

Knowing me, I shall be pushing forward. Oh..there's hope and dreams. There's a lot of vision and a lot of things to come. I am tired but I can't sleep. I'm finally getting into my story. It's definitely a miracle. I had thought my brain shut down from lack of creativity. Nothing as big as the screenwriter's strike (which I hope settles soon)...

Life in Hollywood is never dull.

Jeez, I think I am rambling....

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