Author: Jax Cassidy // Category:

Talk about a long day...I am pre-packing for when we actually move to Wilmington and I can't describe how much crap I have crammed in my little room! It's not a pretty sight. I have counted my jeans and although I've had 200 pairs right before I moved, I have now inherited 50 more!!!! Can you say
A-D-D-I-C-T? Well, I've also noticed that I have moved from the conventional black and white wardrobe to COLOR! My latest obsession is orange, fuschia, and green...where the heck did that come from? I'm a black and white girl! Sigh. Last week I put red streaks in my bangs to match my new sense of style...but I'm thinking a little more red won't hurt.
Ahem, sorry for the rambling. I have inhaled so much clorox, dust particles, and lysol my brain isn't functioning normally. Did I say I'm a clothes addict too? I suppose I'm trying to focus on cleaning as a way to divert from deadlines. This only proves that I prefer writing over domestics. So, as soon as I finish re-organizing and packing, I am going to get a few pages in. I really ought to relax as I'll be writing the rest of the weekend at my mini retreat, but cleaning has a way with clearing the mind. It also gives you plenty of time to plot in your head.
Watch out NY, here I come!
Wilmington?? Not Wilmington, NC . . . !!!!