I didn't really care for the new format of the Academy Awards this year, but it was worth watching just to see Hugh Jackman! He's such a charismatic actor and he's not hard on the eyes either....
hubba hubba. I'm sure by the end of this post you'll either agree or totally disagree, but it's only
my opinion...
I will say there were a lot of unattractive dresses this year. You wonder what these actresses were thinking when they decided to pick the dress. There were some dresses I will not even waste blog time to discuss because you wonder if they have any fashion sense at all...As for the men, they did good this year. Except for a few who should have listened to their stylists...oh well, men will be men.

First off...I wanted to throttle Sean Penn for omitting the fact that his wife was sitting in the front row cheering him on. He was thoughtful enough to thank someone else for being his best friend when his wife, Robin Wright, has obviously been the biggest supporter and anchor in his life. Her elegance should have been noted at the very least.
Wanker. I didn't see MILK and I'm sure he was great in it, but nothing pisses me off more than a man who doesn't acknowledge his family, even if it was a momentary lapse.... For goodness sakes! He wrote the list down!!!!!

C'mon, for a fashionista, Heidi disappointed. There was no rhyme or reason to this and it was simply 'blah' in the most obvious form no matter how gorgeous she usually is.

What was Jessica Biel thinking? It was as if the designer couldn't decide if he was worried about a Janet Jackson malfunction and threw it in just to cover her boob. I'm sorry, it was totally unflattering and she's a gorgeous woman...I should know, I've met her in person.

Was SJP confused at what function she was attending? Reliving her high school prom days? I didn't get the hair either, it was hanging and floppy and didn't accentuate her looks. I remember one year she wore a SIMPLE black dress and her hair was pulled up in a bun like a ballerina. She actually looked exquisite. I'm not really a SJP fan but I had to shake my head on this one.

I absolutely
loved this dress. It had an Old Hollywood feel and the draping was done marvelously. How can one not want to try that on? I'm partial to the 'little black dress' but the natural color and detailed arrangements of the material made me appreciate the dress. Rachel Evan Wood looked the part of a starlet.

Last but not least, you can all boo me later, but I think they make a stunning couple. I know most of you are for
Team Aniston, but she's a bit too whiney and always making it known that she's been the victim. C'mon, get over it. Hasn't it been like 3 years? Besides, you've got a new and younger beau, isn't that good enough you were able to rub it in their faces?
Ok Jax your racap rocked and was spot on. I'm still team Aniston because Angie is just a total man eater with those amazing killer Karen Black eyes. She's just too beautiful. I think the press makes more if it than it is. I was so mad at Jen for not glaming up the hair more and totally doing it up.
Thanks Kwana! I am no fashionista but it's fun to play one.
As for Angelina, I can relate to the bad girls so I would root for her! She's the only one I know who can get away with being whatever she wants to be....
Great post, Jax. I too was disappointed in SJP & Jessica Biel's choices-ugh. Jessica Biel has such a great body you would think a stylist could easily dress her in something flattering, but nooooooo.
And I thought Brad & Angie looked GREAT! I'm neither a Jen nor Angie "fan" but I appreciate fashion.
Hugh Jackman...hmm hmm good.
Yeah. Hugh Jackman. *sigh* He's yummmmmmy!! :D