Yes, I'm working on two projects at once! Yes, I know I'm nuts but these projects are NOT vampire books. Hopefully they'll be fresh and engaging...I'm all about creating a new trend so I hope it works.
Well, I've made a list of titles for my YA series and they are awesome. Yeah, I guess this blog today is just about praising myself. Why not? If we can't be proud of what we're doing then we shouldn't be doing it. I haven't been this inspired in a long while and today I feel like I'm finally back on track! SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!
P.S. I'm talking about Wong Kar Wai's movie MY BLUEBERRY NIGHTS at Hooked on Romance...
Be careful! You think you're starting a new trend and then all of a sudden, books like yours start showing up. It's happening to me. Kristen says chefs are the new vampires. LOL
I believe. So far I've only encountered like 5 chef novels that I've heard of...but I'm sure you're gonna lead the pack. :)
Good for you! Praise away.
LOL on the two projects at once. I write like that all the time. And praise away! I'm with ya, why not, right?
Ego stroking is a healthy and necessary activity! Congrats on your awesome progress.
I swear I'm going to check out "My Blueberry Nights." Jude Law-yum. Thanks for the tip.