For all you Cassidy Kent fans out there, Phaze Publishing will be releasing a PRINT anthology of Sunset Key, Raleigh In Rio, and Dolce & Diana called SUNSWEPT and will be available in late-May (unless there's a change in production schedule)! I'll provide the exact release date when it becomes available. These three novellas have been sold in eBook format for a little while now, but I'm excited just thinking about holding the print version in my hands! I'm totally stoked because I loved these stories and I hope readers new to me can enjoy the lighter side of my collaborative writing efforts that launched my career :)
Now I'm going to go have a glass of wine and celebrate this bit of news!
Congrats! That's very cool.
Yay!! Congrats Jax :)
Thanks! I think your first writing efforts always hold a special place in your heart...that's how I feel, anyway.
Now I'm going to go support a chaptermate, Rosemary Clement Moore, at her book signing to promote her young adult HIGHWAY TO HELL.
YAY, congrats! That's fantastic.