In a Mood

Author: Jax Cassidy // Category: , ,
Funny how things work. My friend Kwana wrote a post yesterday about occasionally being 'in a mood'...and this morning, for purely different reasons...I related to her completely...

I would love to growl it out of my system but sometimes being moody is contributed to uncontrollable outside forces...or someone who is lashing out because of jealousy or pettiness...but I'm going to channel my inner Zen and work on my current WIP.

How can one achieve that inner and outer Zen? Focus. Simply, allow yourself to decompress and visualize what is at stake. I'm going to use this heightened energy to my advantage and transfer all this pent-up emotion into my writing. I'm at a pivotal point in my proposal which requires my full attention and I've been putting it off. The symptoms of being mentally trapped by over thinking...a procrastinator, if you will. But not that it was intentional, I just have way too many things influencing my mental state of late. At least things are slowly improving and I know I must push forward. I must never give in or give up the fight.

A writers job is to write. To create. To continue even when faced with difficulties. I kind of lost perspective and self-confidence in between, like the little dips in the flat road of life. But my strength is still intact and I'm not going to allow anyone or anything to deter me from my goals.

Anyway, I was over at Hooked On Romance to read Q&A on this week's guest blogger: Angela James, Editor of Samhain charged me up a little more. In a very good way. Sometimes, it's just good to re-evaluate and then delve right into your work. Maybe it will equal to more page counts!

Go write people...but only after you read the HoR interview!

1 Response to "In a Mood"

Kwana Says :
6:59 PM

Thanks so much for this post. I'm going to read Angela's interview. My mood has a lot to do with outside forces and my non-progressing state. I will follow your way and put it into my work. This has been a tough week with just everything and spring break but that's ok. I'll overcome it even if I have to start working at midnight. I will find a way to writing something that sells. Thanks Jax. My moody friend.

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