Author: Jax Cassidy // Category:

Let me introduce you to Mr. Keurig...he's the sleekest, most refined, and yummiest machine I've ever owned. When I roll out of bed in the morning, it's a quick one-step process and my coffee is made to order. It makes a perfect cup every day and it includes a little variety that will please even the pickiest at heart! My CopChick introduced it to me last year and I've been in love ever since. Although, I did get the new model so it's a little snazzier and has 3 cup sizes to choose from. No mess, easy to use, and available at any time! No one can replace this baby and I'm walking on clouds the rest of the day...Did I mention he lights up? Yes, he does and he does it so well. Even Mr. Right is impressed. It's a couples thing.
If you don't have one, you're missing out. There are 3 different styles but whichever you can is a sound investment...otherwise, come over for a visit and I'll have to let you have a go at it.
Now back to getting my mess under control...Happy Writing!
We have one of these at work and I've been dying to try it!
First thing Monday morning I'm going to indulge!!
You won't regret it. It's the best thing ever and every cup is like gold! It saves on me going to Starbucks every day and spending $4.00 a piece on lattes. Let me know what you think!
Hubby got me one for Christmas, and it is wonderful!
Isn't it the best investment EVER, Ember? I still love it.