Over the years I've let myself go...before you all grunt and groan that I'm nuts...just because I'm petite does not mean I'm in shape. I've started to notice that I have no muscle tone. NONE whatsoever. The tight abs I proudly displayed in college are long gone...and all that is left is loose skin appearing in odd places. **Sigh** As of Monday (well, I need time to get all the bad eating habits out of my system by over indulgence)--I'm seriously jumping on a workout regimen which includes eating healthier and a splash of yoga on the side. I'm tired of feeling yucky and I'm sure everyone around me is tired of my complaining so I've decided to grab a buddy and put her on the same diet. She just doesn't know it yet. I'm going to spring it on her when I see her on Friday.
All my friends are on some kind of diet whether it's the Master Cleanse or the prepping for marathons to help them get back on track healthwise, so I figured if they can do it, so can I. After all, I can be committed and my goal is to be happy with the outcome once summer rolls around and I can squeeze back into my teeny tiny black skull bikini without feeling like my gut is hanging over...believe it or not, I do feel like its hanging over...**shudders*
I'll admit, I'm vain. Hey, when you are quickly climbing out of your 30s, it starts to poke at you to do something...I'm not getting any younger and I'm ready to make a life change. Exercise and good eating habits will get you a spiritual clarity that simply re-energizes you. I'm sure being a carnivore will be difficult for me to start cutting out red meat, but I'm looking forward to eating more veggies and fish. Being disciplined is the hard part and between working, deadlines, and life--it isn't going to be easy...GULP...
Truth is, not long ago I was a vegetarian for 9 years and a vegan for 1....so, this should be a cinch...right?
I working on getting healthier too. I just turned 29 and I want to get my body in shape before I hit 30.
I can relate, Jax. I need to get in shape too.
People think just because I have a relatively small frame that I'm in shape, but when I get winded walking up the stairs to work everyday, it's kinda bad...
Kelley--it's never too late to get healthy and you're a lot younger than me so you have plenty of time.
Tivi--I hear you. I know I'm out of shape when winded during the process of chasing my nieces and nephews around.
Getting into shape is one of my resolutions for the year.
I'll let you know when I start :-)
Abi--If you were here I'd be working out with you..but since you're gonna work out, then let's see how far you get when I come visit.