Now that I'm well into the second season, I have two more seasons to absorb and two TV movies that wraps up the show. Believe me, as campy as it may be, there's a certain charm, as well as a great escape factor in it. It reminds me of romances...sometimes I question the writing and other times I'm yelling at the TV with comments like "How predictable!" "No way can that happen!"...but that's not the point...the point is that it pulls you in and you're able to leave all your worries behind for a few hours. You get to enjoy the story and slowly buy into what they're trying to sell. All in all, it's for the sake of entertainment and as much as I scoff at some of the scenes, I really enjoy the show for what it is. No wonder I don't watch TV much, when you get this wrapped up, how the heck are you supposed to find time to write? Good thing for me I write all day and allow those few hours in the evening before bed to delve into this addiction....Mr. Right only shakes his head when I refer to the show as "Jarod" and when I discuss the episodes with Naughty, it's like re-hashing data about old friends...scary....Yes, I'm holding Naughty responsible for this!

I know nothing about this show. Must investigate.
LOL, I told you that you'd love it. And having gotten you hooked has me watching all of them again. I love me some Jarod and Miss Parker.
I have Season's 1 and 2 on DVD. I loved this show when it was on.
I can't help being obsessed with it. It's one of those shows that just gets better through the season. The first season is real campy but if you get through it, you'll love how dark the storyline becomes :)
Wow, I'd forgotten about that show. I might have to rent it. I'm addicted to Bones & Dexter like that though. Just what I need, another addiction ;)
I loved it when it came out and followed it religiously. Yep I love me some Jarod.
There's something a little freaky about that guy's eyes. So he's really hot on the show, huh?
Jarod's hot because you see the growth of his character from this innocent prodigy who's been caged up and tested to this cynical and dark character but who still holds his morale in check. It's a cool combo just for character observations. I think I've got a girl crush on Miss Parker because she's really a great tough female character. I had to get over the bad outfits in the first season before I really got into it! LOL
I loved this show and watched it every week!