Kitchen Confidential
Author: Jax Cassidy // Category: cooking, Louisa Edwards, pasta e fagioli
In his twenties, my father was awarded certification to cook for generals and presidents, although he never chose to be a culinary chef and only enjoyed cooking at home. He had a love of entertaining and for most of my childhood years we had dinner parties at our home every weekend. My mother is also very creative. She had the natural ability to sew what she liked without use of a pattern and cook what she wanted if she liked what she tasted. I've been blessed with some of my mom's creativity and my dad's culinary skills and affinity for fine cuisine.
I guess I just stumbled across the revelation that I could cook. One day I decided I wanted to cook and I just did. It was strange, like a hidden memory that I tucked away and it was so instinctual. I think it was during busy season at our restaurant and we were short-handed so I opted to be the fried rice girl. Don't laugh...but there's really a position for a kitchen assistant to cook all the appetizers and fried rices! And boy, did we get zingers of orders for those things. So much so that I would dream about it in my sleep! I'll admit, I was a bit spoiled. Mom and dad or chef would always cook for me when I was hungry. If they weren't available, my siblings would do it. It wasn't until I went to college that I was forced to cook for myself...soon, I was cooking for my roommates. During those college years, every Friday I'd have to drive two and a half hours home to work in the restaurant and make it back to school early Monday morning in time for class. It was a haul and I had two speeding tickets and a car accident out of the weekly drives...Those were the most grueling times and I certainly didn't have a life. This went on for a few years but the more I cooked, the more I became obsessed about food and various cuisines. Food OCD, is what it was.

I'd like to add that my friend Louisa Edwards inspired me with her culinary skills. She's FABULOUS at it! Thanks for reminding me that cooking can be a therapeutic art form....
Looks great! I'll bet it tasted good too.
Looks yummy! And I think "Fried Rice Girl" is an awesome title for a book one day:)
Very cool! As a former server/bartender I was always impressed with the chefs in the back. (Still am!) I love cooking, but my creative side goes more to baking :)
Yum, Jax! That looks great!
Fried rice is awesome. I'm sure my husband would love if I was a "friend rice girl"- we eat rice like it's going out of style.
Thanks everyone. Maybe someday when I host a big party I'll spring out my "fried rice" skills! LOL
I give it my Italian seal of approval! lol
Yay! Cooking is good for the soul! I'm so happy if anything I did led to your wonderful, delicious-looking efforts in the kitchen.