A Squee moment... Asian Week reviewed my book!

Author: Jax Cassidy // Category: , , ,
I am a freak and often like to google my name. Sometimes I just have to know what people think about me. I'm sure most of you do the same thing and don't want to admit it..

well, I happen to come across a really interesting site called ASIAN WEEK and was stunned to see my name--equally pleased that my book was chosen for a summer recommended read...this is a big honor for me because I have been trying to reach out to the Asian market and now it seems that my hard work is finally showing some progress. I am so elated about this news...


2 Responses to "A Squee moment... Asian Week reviewed my book!"

Anonymous Says :
9:39 AM

Congrats on the recommended read! Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'll see you at the next meeting.

nobhillwriter Says :
9:32 PM


Thanks for your comment about my column that recommended your book. I just wish I had more than a 500-word limit for my column but at least I have a blog with Asian Week also and I will be mentioning your book there and the BlAsian sites I participate in (PowerCouples_AMBW which I co-moderate at Yahoo! and Asian men 4 Black women which I am a member of on AsianAve.com).


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