When there is nothing to say

Author: Jax Cassidy // Category:
I'm exhausted. Is that the central theme in my life? Yes. Now, what will I do to change this? Sleep. Good one. So, what if I have deadlines. Suck it up and just do it. What if I get distracted? Perhaps you should tape your butt to the chair? Hummm. Sounds logical.

I was at the first local chapter meeting today and it started out with a bang. We had author Harley Jane Kozak as our guest speaker and she was the sweetest person! It's funny, but I use to admire her when she did soaps. Yep. My mother was a big fan, so perhaps that's why I got into romance. Harley talked about her journey as a writer and about her insecurities and her career choices. It's very fascinating to hear these things and it's inspiring knowing that we aren't alone in our quest to publication.

I say, we'll never get over our fears and insecurities, but isn't it great that we have the ability to create? Some people may never know how this feels...talents at our fingertips and an ability to use the imagination that the Powers That Be have given us!

1 Response to "When there is nothing to say"

Eva Gale Says :
8:39 AM

You are so right!

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