Fabulous Friday...

Author: Jax Cassidy // Category:
malediction: (noun) The calling down of a curse.
Synonyms: imprecation
Usage: They muttered maledictions and curses, but we ignored them.

This book has plenty of buzz and I've heard quite a lot of folks talking about it. Of course, I have heard about it, but never read the book or seen the DVD. So, I'm interested in picking it up and testing the theory. By this time next year if I get a multi-book contract than I will be spreading the word baby. LOL

Anyone got a bit of info on this? Do tell. Anyone totally thinks it's a hoax, please let me know... otherwise, I'll be channeling positive vibes out into the Universe so that I will receive wonderful news.... :)


I totally love this movie. Okay, it's not my all time favorite, but it's totally adorable. Lots of nostalgia for me as it makes me miss my beautiful France. I thought Russell Crowe was great in it and there are some absolutely wonderful bits about wine, lifestyle, and just enough humor and romance to make it a romance novel on the big screen. I'm sure some might disagree, but it's one of those movies you gotta watch with a few girl friends on a Friday night when nothing's going on. Makes you want to go through a few bottle of vin and take a trip to the wine country! Sante!

3 Responses to "Fabulous Friday..."

Portia Da Costa Says :
3:20 AM

Hi Jax

Thanks for bringing A Good Year to my attention... I'm developing a bit of a thing for Russell Crowe and it would be nice to see him in a different, more romantic role.



Jax Cassidy Says :
1:07 PM

I thought he was fantastic in it and it's a just a fun movie. I think you'll enjoy his romantic role in it.

Babe King Says :
8:45 AM

Maybe I should get you to put a word up for Word of the Week in Prompts sometimes. Just tell me when. :-)

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